Archaeology, Art and Iconography, Bibliography of Maya Music, especially musical Instruments
We list theses, PhD dissertations, articles, and web sites which are not just copy-and-paste from others. We indicate where you can download free copies (when they are available). This list is the work of Nicholas Hellmuth updated by Vivian Hurtado.
In addition to doing reading on Maya Music, visit Casa K’ojom Musica Maya
Even though I was a student intern at Bonampak already in 1962 (a while ago), and even though I have been at Bonampak many times since then, it still helps to visit a museum with the actual Maya musical instruments.
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We at FLAAR recommend you visit Casa K’OJOM, a museum of Maya music. This is a few minutes outside Antigua Guatemala. I have been there twice and we appreciate the hospitality of the manager and staff there. As an archaeologist I myself have never found any musical instrument during my excavations. So I learn from the work of other archaeologists and musical historians. is their web site.
You can also see ceramic musical instruments at the National Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, near the Guatemala City airport. And you can see other ceramic musical instruments such as ocarinas, and flutes at the Museo Popol Vuh, on the campus of the Universidad Francisco Marroquin.
Annotated Bibliography of Prehispanic Mesoamerican Music Especially Musical Instruments of the Classic Maya Art. Archaeology, Iconography
"Pre-Columbian music" would include the Aztecs, Zapotecs, Mixtecs, West Coast Mexico, etc. That would be a separate bibliography for pre-Hispanic music in general. The list of books, articles, theses, and dissertations below is primarily on music of the Mayan people, especially the Classic period. Music played today is different but can still help understand aspects of the past. Music is a pertinent topic in the study of Mayan archaeology because music was played during battle, during ceremonies, during the rubber ballgame, etc.
- 1982
Folk Music of the Yucatan Peninsula, PhD dissertation. University of Colorado.
- 2007
El Juego de Pelota Maya, Función Simbólica, Social, Política y sus Implicaciones Arquitectónicas. Tesis presentada a la Junta Directiva de la Facultad de Arquitectura Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala.
- 1969
The archaeological use and distribution of mollusca in the
Maya Lowlands . Middle American Research Institute, Publication 34. Tulane University, New Orleans
- 1940
Historia de la música en Guatemala. Guatemala Tipografía Nacional 1986. De las paginas 133-140.
- 2007
Por los senderos de la música 30 años del Área de Etnomusicología. Centro de Estudios Folklóricos, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala.
NOTA: Disponible en línea
- 2010
Ancient Maya Music: Aerophones in the archaeological record. B. A. Texas State University-San Marcos.
Available online:
- 2007
El estudio de los aerófonos mexicas. Aerófonos mexicas.
Available online:
- 2005
Ancient Maya Music Now with Sound. MA thesis, Dept. of Foreign Languages and Literatures. Louisiana State University. 77 pages.
NOTE: Surprisingly few illustrations and effectively no photographs.
- 2012
Music of the Ancient Maya: New Avenues of Research. University of Texas at San Antonio.
Downloadable online:
- 1891
La música maya quiché: región de Guatemala. Guatemala: Piedra Santa, 142 paginas.
- 2005
- “Native American Flutes.” The Oregon Flute Store..
Available online:
- 2000
- Sculpture and music in one object. The Christian Science Monitor. 6.
Available Online:
- 2014
- Ancient Maya Musical Encore: Analysis of Ceramic Musical Instruments from Pacbitun, Belize and the Maya Subarea. In book: Flower World: Music Archaeology of the Americas, vol. 3Publisher: Ekho VerlagEditors: Matthias Stöckli and Mark Howell
Full-text available on:
- 1988
- Atlas cultural de México. Música. Secretaría de Educación Pública-Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia-Editorial Planeta, México, D.F.
- 1994
- La colección de instrumentos musicales del CENIDIM. Bibliomúsica 7: 49-54.
- 1884
- Construction of ancient Mexican Terracotta Pitch Pipes and Flageolets. The American Naturalist. 8: 498-510.
- 2016
Reviving the Ancient Sounds of Mesoamerican Ocarinas. Video. Peabody Museum of Archaeology & Ethnology, Harvard University.
Available online:
- 2015
- Aspectos fenomenológicos del son guatemalteco tradicional. Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala. Vol. 2, 2409-3475
- 1930
L’ocarina à cinq sons dans l’Amérique préhispanique.” Journal de la Société des Américanistes. XXII.
Downloadable at:
- 1941
Sifflets et ocarinas du Nicaragua et du Mexique.” Journal de la Société des Américanistes. XXXIII.
Downloadable at:
- 2000
- Applying Experimental Archaeology to Ethnomusicology: Recreating an ancient Maya Friction Drum through Various Lines of Evidence.
Available Online:
- 2014
- Palatial Soundscapes: Music in Maya Court Societies. MA thesis, University of Texas at Austin, 122 pages.
NOTE: Free Download
- 2013
Between Beliefs and Rituals Material Culture of Ancestral Costa Rica. Pp. 59-67, In: Revealing Ancestral Central America, T. A. Joyce, editor. The Smithsonian Latino Center and the National Museum of the American Indian Smithsonian Institution.
This is not a report on music but Fig. 97 on page 65, shows two musical rattles with Crescentia-like tree grourd, filled with Canna indica seeds. Since I raise Canna indica in my ethnobotanical research garden I note this potential use.
Downloadable at:
- 1981
- Organología aplicada a instrumentos musicales prehispánicos. Silbatos
mayas. Colección Científica No. 107. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, México, D. F.
- 1984
- Clasificación musical de silbatos prehispánicos mayas. Sociedad Mexicana de Antropología, Pages 439-446.
- 1991
- Music of the Maya. Casa K’ojom, Guatemala.
44 pages of helpful information on what instruments are played by the Highland Maya in their local ceremonies. Mixture of Mayan drums and other prehispanic instruments with stringed instruments introduced by the Spanish.
Samuel Franco is the founder of the Maya music museum Casa K’ojom.
Can be download from several places, including Casa Kojom.
- 2008
Arqueoacústica maya. La necesidad del estudio sistemático de efectos acústicos en sitios arqueológicos. Estudios de cultura maya vol.32
- 1972
- Classic Maya Music: Drums. Archaeology, Vol. 25, 124-131. Part I
1972 Classic Maya Music: Rattles, Raspers, Flutes and Trumpets. Archaeology, Vol. 25, 222-228 Part II
- 1930
- “L’ocarina à cinq sons dans l’Amérique préhispanique.” Journal de la Société des Américanistes. XXII.
- 1941
- “Sifflets et ocarinas du Nicaragua et du Mexique.” Journal de la Société des Américanistes. XXXIII.
- 1988
- Music of the Maya. Archaeology 41(1):24-31.
- 2008
- The xa syllable as an example of onomatopoeia?
- 1974
Conch shell trumpets in Mesoamerica. In: Pre-Columbian Art of Mexico and Central America. The Bowers Museum..Santa Ana, California
- 1933
- The Pottery Whistle-Figurines of Lubaantun. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. LXIII: xv-xxv.
Sold online:
- 2009
- To be like Gods: Dance in Ancient Maya Civilization. University of Texas Press. 269 pages.
- 1968
- Instrumentos musicales precortesianos. 378 páginas.
- Canto, danza y música precortesianos. Fondo de Cultura Económica
- 2000
- Análisis Acústicos de Artefactos Sonoros de Viento del México Antiguo.
Available at
- 1986
- The Murals of Bonampak. Princeton University Press.
This is based on her PhD dissertation.
- 1988
- Boys in the Bonampak Band. En Maya Iconography (editado por E. P….
- Bonampak
This is based on work after her PhD research, including continued cooperation with INAH.
In addition to her PhD dissertation, Mary Miller (Yale University) has published two large monographs on the musicians shown in the murals of Bonampak.
I must admit that I really like these murals, since at age 17 I worked as a student volunteer for the INAH Bonampak project. Based on my visit to Palenque I had returned to high school and written my high school thesis on the Maya. My thesis included mention of Bonampak. This thesis won first prize and this helped me get into Harvard. So I returned to Mexico at age 17 (so before I was at Harvard as a freshman) and by coincidence was in the same hotel as the INAH group. I heard them speaking about Bonampak, so I went over to their table and told them I had learned about Bonampak while doing research for my high school thesis; but I had never been to the actual site. They accepted my offer as a volunteer. So they flew me to a landing strip in the Lacandon forest. From there we hiked many kilometers to Bonampak. Like everyone else I helped carry baggage and equipment.
I stayed at Bonampak about a week to help set up things. Then I asked if I could continue my studies of the Maya by going to Yucatan to learn about Puuc architecture. So I wandered back and then explored Labna, Sayil, etc (a tad remote in 1962).
One thing led to another and I held three post-graduate research positions at Yale (after graduating from Harvard and with an MA degree from Brown). I then was in Graz, Austria and got invited by the professor there to enter their art history PhD program, so got my PhD there, with 8 years research on Mayan iconography and cosmology.
So my interest in Classic Maya music started circa 1962.
- 2014
Recovering Music from Pacbitun, Belize: New Evidence for Ancient Maya Instruments. In: Ancient Maya Household and Social Identity in Belize. Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology Volume 11. Archaeological Investigations in the Eastern Maya Lowlands: Papers of the 2013 Belize Archaeology Symposium.
Available to download as a pdf:
- 2007
Reading Indigenous and Mestizo Musical Instruments: Reading Indigenous and Mestizo Musical Instruments: The Negotiation of Political and Cultural Identities in Latin America. Music & Politics 1, Number 2
Available online:;view=fulltext
- 1975
The Poetics of the Ancestor Songs of the Tz’utujil Maya of Guatemala PhD dissertation, UCLA.
Downlobable at:
- 1975
- Songs of the Face of the Earth: Ancestral Songs of the … Maya. PhD dissertation, UCLA.
- 2011
- Los instrumentos musicales mayas en el Museo de Etnología de
Hamburgo. (Editado por B. Arroyo, L. Paiz, A. Linares y A. Arroyave), pp. 909-922. Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Etnología, Guatemala.
- 1992
- Precolumbian Flutes of Mesoamerica. The American Musical Instrument Society. 18: 22-61.
- 1958
Arundo donax source of musical reeds and industrial cellulose. Economic Botany 12: 368–404.
Arundo donax is not native to the Americas. So if used as musical reed today, botanists, ethnobotanists, and historians of music need to see whether there was a Mesoamerican reed that could have served a comparable purpose before the arrival of the Spanish.
Available online: https://LINK
- 1980
- Los instrumentos musicales de los Mayas. SEP INAH, Mexico D.F. With photographs by Nicholas Hellmuth, FLAAR.
Sold online:
- 1988
- Aproximación a la música vernácula de Guatemala: un ensayo bibliográfico, en busca de nuestra identidad nacional. Guatemala Serviprensa Centroamericana. Universidad de Texas. Páginas 125.
- n.d.
Songs of the Ancestors: Ancient Maya Musicians.
Available online:
- n.d.
Las canciones de los antepasados: La música de los antiguos mayas.
Available online:
- 2010
- Las culturas musicales en el Itsmo de Tehuantepec. Una aproximación antropológica a los instrumentos musicales prehispánicos. Tesis de maestría inédita, Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología social, Oaxaca.
- 2005
- Los artefactos sonorous del Oaxaca prehispanico.
NOTE: Our focus is on musical instruments of the Classic Maya, but when a book of this class is available on music of other pre-Columbian cultures of Mesoamerica, we feel it should also be mentioned, especially when the entire book is available on-line (at no cost).
- 2006
- Música tradicional de las tribus indias de la Mesoamérica septentrional. En Etnomusicología en Guatemala (editado por Matthias Stöckli y Alfonso Arrivillaga cortés). Tradiciones de Guatemala 66. Páginas de 101-108
- 1986
- A primitive Maya Musical Instrument. The American Anthropolgist (sic), Vol. X, August 1896, pp. 272-273.
Describes a rudimentary stringed instrument named hool. 98% of all discussions of Classic Maya music say there were no stringed instruments before the arrival of the Spaniards.
Free download:
- 1898
- The Musical Bow in Ancient Mexico. American Anthropologist, Vol. 11, No. 9 (Sep., 1898), pp. 280-284.
More debate on whether the Q’eqchi’ (Kekchi) and Yucatec had stringed instrument before the arrival of European musical instruments with the Spanish conquest. But subsequent research documents that the codex figure at the far right was eroded and repainted for an illustration (Stevenson 1968: 23ff).
Free to view on the Internet:
- 1968
- Music in Aztec & Inca Territory. University of California Press.
- 2006
- Etnomusicología en Guatemala. Guatemala: Centro de Estudios Folklóricos, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala.
- 2005
- ¿Una música maya prehispánica? Incursiones en la arqueomusicología. Centro de Estudios Folklóricos Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala. Conferencias del Museo Popol Vuh. 6 páginas.
- Iconographies Musical. Has no date, no publishing info.
- 1941
- Landa’s Relación de las Cosas de Yucatán: A translation. Kraus, New York.
Shortly after the conquest Bishop Diego de Landa observed and wrote about the Yucatec Maya people and their way of life.
- 2004
- Virtual Analysis of Maya Trumpets: Hom-Tahs of
Available Online:
- 1978
- Music of the Maya-Quichés of Guatemala: The Rabinal Achí and Baile de la Canastas.
This seems to be a recording, not a “book.”
- 2004
Virtual Analysis of Maya Trumpets: Hom-Tahs of Bonampak.
Available online:
- 2018
Instrumentos Municipales Tradicionales de Guatemala y sus Raíces en La Cultura Maya.
Downloadable online:
Has a nice list, intelligently organized into percussion instruments and wind instruments.
Mayan Chirimia and Drum music, with a short recording.
Instrumentos musicales de los antiguos mayas. Summary; no photos.
Fragmento de revista Cultura de Guatemala, propiedad de la Universidad Rafael Landivar.
Anális virtual de Trompetas Mayas.
Lots of photographs, lots of information, lots of links.
This is the web site of the best museum of Maya music which we have found so far in Guatemala.
Centro Cultural La Azotea, final calle del cementerio, Jocotenango, Sacatepéquez, Guatemala,C.A.
tel (502) 7831 1486- tel/ fax (502) 7831 1483, email:
Has a nice animation of the musicians of the Bonampak murals.
No photographs, and list is not everything which the Maya had 2000 years ago, but is nonetheless a helpful resource.
Has a nice soundtrack.
Los Sonidos Ancestrales del Tunkul
Since this has actual photographs for each and every musical instrument, this web page, albeit basic, is one of the most helpful.
Shows lots of CDs and photos of local groups recreating pre-Columbian music. To judge the authenticity, I would have to see and hear in person.
Fragmento de revista Cultura de Guatemala, propiedad de la Universidad Rafael Landivar.
Explicación música para niños
Video of a lecture on Maya music by Vanessa Rodens.
Recordings of the Sounds of Mayan Instruments, Youtube, etc.
- 2013
Música Maya Aj - Renacer de los Nawales.
- 2012
- Ik' B'alam - Tambor de Cuerda Maya.
Video Online:
Informative, educational. Shows the unique “stringed instrument” on a polychrome Late Classic Maya vase. Would be even more helpful to have a thesis or dissertation on how to make this instrument (showing in diagrams step-by-step), then how to play it (movement by movement) and recording of what sounds it can make (without having other instruments playing in the background).
- 2012
"El Alba" Música Maya Aj'
- 2016
B'IXRUWACH'ULEW Música Ancestral Maya parte 1.
Musica Maya Aj is a channel where you will find lots of maya music videos
Tz'utuj Q'ajom Musica Maya Ancestral Channel
Prehispanic Maya Music
Text which discusses the identical Maya case is as a document; not a video
Would be even more helpful to have a thesis or dissertation on how to make this instrument (showing in diagrams step-by-step), then how to play it (movement by movement) and recording of what sounds it can make (without having other instruments playing in the background). The above article is a “start” but would help to have significantly more step-by-step aspect.
Has links to five or six videos with pre-Columbian music (mostly Aztec, but they had pretty much the same instruments as the Classic Maya).
Has links to six mp3 sound tracks.
A capable musician playing a conch shell instrument, however in a very modern manner (different than usually played, in part because this individual clearly knows modern music).
Native American Style Flutes
Vocabularies of Mayan Languages which have good quantity and/or quality of Mayan words for musical instruments
- Diccionario etnolingüístico del idioma maya yucateco colonial, Volume 3.
There are dozens, scores of Mayan dictionaries. That would be a useful BA thesis “Mayan Words for Musical Instruments in 21 Mayan Languages of Mesoamerica.” For a Master’s thesis could be Mayan Words for Musical Instruments in 21 Mayan Languages, Xinca, Zapotec, Mixtec, and Nahuatl of Mesoamerica.”
Sources on how to make Mayan musical instruments today
Luis Mendez;
Photo of Maya trumpet made of quiote of pulque maguey (Agave salmiana). But no information of by whom or how.
Most recently updated September 2020.
First Posted mid-February 2018. Updated July 2020.