VR Scene Worx combines the abilities of VR PanoWorx and VRObject Worx to create a complete virtual environment. This softwareis the ideal extension of the concept of virtual reality as introducedby QTVR.
Upcoming, review of QTVR software. The contact in the company are Walter Neals at walter@vrtoolbox.com
Introductionto Kaidan, equipment for making QTVR panoramas and virtualobjects.
VR ObjectWorx(virtual objects)
VR PanoWorx (virualpanoramas)
Contact VR Toolbox by phone toll-free at 1-877-878-6657 [or direct 412-767-4947], by fax at 412-767-4090 or by e-mail Walter Neals at walter@vrtoolbox.com.
Related links
VR PanoWorx (panorama to Virtual Reality views)
VR ObjectWorx (virtual rotating 3D objects)