The iconography of Mayan ceramic art is the main focus of the FLAAR Photo Archive of pre-Columbian art and archaeology. Gods, mythical creatures, and other deities of the pre-Columbian pantheon are of especial interest. The vase scenes document a complex mythology far beyond what is presented in the story of the Popol Vuh. With three different kinds of rollout cameras, FLAAR has created a research resource for Maya iconography of polychrome Mayan vases.

The vase here is a section from a rollout of a Codex Style bowl (another section of the same pot shows a female with a mythical bird-like insect).

Deities and gods of the Mayan pantheon, pictured on Codex Style vase. Rollout copyright Nicholas Hellmuth.

Late Classic Maya vase
Direct digital rollout photograph using a Better Light digital turntable system
courtesy of Michael Collette

Copyright FLAAR 1999

Midgets are often seen in Maya art but seldom adjacent to God D. Although bats are common in Chama art, they are not well documented for Codex Style scenes. This particular bat has unusual wings and is more human than bat-like. In the middle is a Crocodile Tree rising from a bowl. God G gestuers from the right side. A similar scene of God D adjacent to a Crocodile Tree is pictured in the book "Monster and Men in Maya Art," (N. Hellmuth, 1987, ADEVA, Graz and FLAAR St Louis).

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